Collaboration Services In Delhi – Collaboration Service In India

Beyond the business world, collaborative consumption is a new approach to consumer access to goods and services based on an interdependent model of equal to equal. The collaborative model is in which consumers are much more often producers or suppliers, but on a small scale, and people cooperate to meet the needs of a given community.  Examples of collaborative consumption include cooperatives, the share the economy, the barter systemand the  gift saving

Over there Open Collaboration Services (OCS) is an open and independent modern seller  REST-based API for integrating web communities and web services into desktop and mobile applications.  Allows the exchange of relevant data from a  social network between the site and clients, such as other websites and applications or widgets that run locally on the user’s computer or mobile device.     The protocol has been designed so that all applications can access multiple services that provide OCS APIs.

Collaboration is a joint effort of several individuals or working groups to carry out a task or project. Within an organization, collaboration generally implies the ability of two or more people to view and contribute to documents or other content on a network.